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Using Macs for Business – Not Just for Creative

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There are many reasons why Macs have become so popular in organizations. They provide efficient, high-quality systems that can improve productivity and lead to more user satisfaction.

The total cost of ownership. Macs are notoriously much more expensive than Windows PCs, but growing evidence suggests that Macs have a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) when factors like increased productivity, fewer calls for tech support, and higher levels of job satisfaction. While the initial cost may be higher, high quality can translate into savings in other ways.

Quality level. Apple controls every aspect of building and assembling the hardware and software into Mac computers. This configuration results in highly engineered systems that are reliable, durable, well-integrated, and deliver high performance.

Security. The average consumer generally believes that Mac computers are more secure than Windows computers, a belief that stems mainly from cybercriminals focusing on Windows systems. Macs are generally more secure because macOS is based on Unix, which can be harder to exploit, and because Apple has full control over the hardware and software, this makes it easier to implement new security features.

User Experience. Macs have long been a favorite of graphic designers, video editors, and other creative individuals, but they are rapidly gaining a following among other users. Macs are renowned for their user-friendliness, streamlined interface, handy features, and wide range of free apps. They work well and have high-quality screens, long-lasting batteries, and great support.

Most professional productivity applications run on macOS and are completely cross-compatible. If your company runs a Windows-only application, you can run the application in a virtual Windows environment within a Mac.

As Macs grow in the enterprise Solv IT Computer Support and Services™️ is here to help. Whether you need Windows or Mac support or services, please call today.